Born in Detroit, Hans Wenklert spent most of his childhood growing up in Farmington MI. Influenced at a young age by his mother playing early rhythm and blues records Hans adopted a clear talent for writing songs. By age 10 Hans began writing songs and lyrics composing the melody in his head. When Hans received his first guitar at age 13 he immediately joined a band and played gigs through jr. high and high school achieving major media promotion and acclaim on the Bob Hines show on abc tv network. Teaming up with Gary Herman in the early stages of his career Hans and Gary wrote and produced a plethora of songs to add to there band called Oasis. Moving to Colorado in the late 70’s Hans continued his musical per suites eagerly with local musicians in the Denver area. In keeping a close relationship with his longtime friend and writing partner Gary, Hans persisted to writ songs and lyrics to broaden his catalog of hit songs. Hans currently plays in the Detroit area with the Drugstore Cowboys and continues to write songs, play a mean lead guitar and sing his heart.